Tyler: i speak to peggy again and she calls the orphanage and speaks to them about the kids
"Yes well we know they would not like to be there at this time, they would most likely want to be with others they know so when they are ready i am willing to take them, how ever long they want to be here they are welcome."
she said to the receptionsit.
T: I motion to her i would like to leave a message for the kids and when she was finished she passed me the phone
"Hi my name is Tyler, i would like to leave a message for them when they arrive"
i waited while the receptionist got the note pad and pen
"Josh, Bri jesie,maggie,nikki,alexis and little lisa,
When you get there and sort out what has happened give me a call you can come here with us.
tyler, paul, espanna, sophie and gypsy.
we can also board your animals